The Hat Line / by Robert Kushner

Robert Kushner The Hat Line.png

In 1977 and 1978, Public Access Poetry  (produced by Poetry Project  Greg Masters, Gary Lenhart, David Herz, Didi Susan Dubelyew, Daniel Krakauer, Bob Rosenthal and Rochelle Kraut, PAP programs) featured half-hour readings by a wide range of poets and performers . Forty-six fragile open-reel videotapes of these shows were preserved and, in 2009, were donated to the Poetry Project which has collaborated with PennSound at the University of Pennsylvania to create an online archive of these rarely seen readings.

On September 15, 1977, Robert Kushner and Ed Friedman performed "New York Hat Line."
Click here  to link to Penn Sound's Poetry Project page and then scroll down.  "New York Hat Line" is the 5th film clip.

When you're done watching Robert Kushner and Ed Friedman, take  a moment and watch the others. It's a fantastic archive of  some of  New York's  'downtown'  poets and performers of the 70s -- live.

In 1979, "New York Hat Line" by Robert Kushner with text by Ed Friedman was published.